Il-Figuri Tal-Covid-19 Għall-Lum

 Il-Figuri Tal-Covid-19 Għall-Lum

Dawn huma il-figuri tal-każijiet tal-Covid li nstabu ilbieraħ, hekk kif maħruġ mill-awtoritajiet tas-saħħa. 


Filwaqt li nstabu 102 każ ġdid ta’ Covid- 19, 82 persuna fiequ minn dan il-virus, sabiex issa minn total ta’ 7,243 każ li nstabu minn Marzu, fiequ b’kollox 5,185 persuna.

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says "Swab Tests in the hours: 2851 Latest update on COVID-19 9th November, 2020 Total No. of Swabs: 64.249 cases, cases was Today' cases being investigated. From yesterday's were family member reviously were contact colleagues, from direst contacts cases and case social gatherings with other positive cases. 1980 Active Activease Cases 7243 Total Cases 102 New Cases 82 New Recoveries 78 Total Deaths 5185 Total Recoveries sahha"

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