Tfajla Maltija B’Poeżija Dwar L-Esperjenza Tagħha Waqt Li Kellha L-COVID

Fl-14 ta’ Frar Sarah Borg instabet pożittiva għall-COVID-19. Sakemm kienet f’iżolament, hija kitbet poeżija sabiex tesprimi l-esperjenza tagħha ta’ dan il-virus. Hija qasmet il-kitba tagħha fuq is-sit dakinhar li rċeviet ir-riżultat li kienet mfejjqa mill-COVID-19, fit-2 ta’ Marzu.
Aqra l-poeżija ta’ Sarah Borg hawn:
I received the result on Valentine’s day…“of all days…why today?!”
Very mild symptoms; still didn’t feel okay.
I had exams to face, I felt afraid.
I dare say, I felt betrayed.
“After I made sure to stay safe,
why was it me who’d fallen prey?”
But then I thought, “just appreciate what’s still there”.
So I sat quietly and became aware
of the many people I know, who really care.
As days passed by, everyone gave their share.
One delivered groceries;
another said rosaries;
one sent a courier with accessories!
I even had support from overseas…
I thought, “it’s true, I lost two senses – both taste and smell,
but I have friends and family, who truly wish me well”.
I could not get out to run, as I usually do,
but I appreciated my dwelling, all clean and brand new.
I was stuck inside, all alone in my flat;
this gave me time to use my pink mat.
I started to work out indoors, using bodyweight,
and from sixty-nine kilos, I turned sixty-eight!
If we focus on the good,
then we’d have understood
all that living life is all about.
It’s not about having it all
but about learning to rise after every fall;
Not about avoiding all the pain,
but about turning a loss into a gain;
not about having sunny days time and again,
but about learning to dance, even in the rain.
The virus was not good for my health
but a bleak situation showed me great wealth.
A Covid-19 Experience Poem